Assume we have a class names Spec and and array of Specs is passed from javascript. Then convert as follows:
public JsonResult UpdateSpecs(int SkuID, string Specs)
Spec[] args = (Spec[])JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
The calling Javascript code was as follows:
var dreq = $.ajax({
url: "/Create/UpdateSpecs",
cache: false,
data: { "SkuID": PID, "Specs": JSON.stringify(aspecs)
type: "POST"
Another One:
* Server-side:
public JsonResult Create(string NewPriceAsJson)
NewPrice Depo = (NewPrice)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
Depo.CommandName = CommandType.Insert;
PriceBinder Binder = new PriceBinder();
return Json(Binder.Create(Depo));
public JsonResult UpdatePPrice(string NewPriceAsJson)
NewPrice Depo = (NewPrice)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
Depo.CommandName = CommandType.Edit;
Depo.isDigital = false;
PriceBinder Binder = new PriceBinder();
return Json(Binder.Create(Depo)); // CommandType.Edit
* Client-side:
function pricePCreate(endPoint, price, fromd, tod) {
var request = $.ajax({
url: "/Price/" + endPoint,
cache: false,
data: {
"NewPriceAsJson": JSON.stringify({
"PID": $("#PID").html(), "isDigital": false, "SiteDefID": $("#SelectedSite").val(),
"price": price, "effectiveFromDate": fromd, "effectiveToDate": tod, "ShippingClassID": $("#shipClassID").val(),
"ScheduledTaskSKUId": $("#speditID").html()
type: "POST"
* The Model:
public enum CommandType
// passed from UI
public class NewPrice
public int PID;
public CommandType CommandName;
public bool isDigital;
public int SiteDefID;
public int ShippingClassID;
public string effectiveFromHour;
public string effectiveFromMinute;
public string effectiveToHour;
public string effectiveToMinute;
public DateTime effectiveFromDate;
public DateTime effectiveToDate;
public string price;
public string publisher;
public string revShare;
public string msrp;
public string DefaultPrice;
public string DefaultPublisherPrice;
public string DefaultMSRP;
//public string txtRevenueShare;
public string currency;
public string headbandText;
public string designText;
public string description;
public bool isonSale;
public int ScheduledTaskSKUId;
public string[] AuthFiles;
public string AuthId;
public string[] AuthGui;
// public bool sponsored;
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