Saturday, September 5, 2015

Installing Grunt, Bower, Node.js, Ruby and Yoman

Installing Grunt, Bower, Node.js, Ruby and Yoman

Things you need

1. install NPM(

Download and run the MSI:


After running msi you could check your installation on CMD prompt:
 node --version && npm --version

2. git (
In git installation I (personally) selected:
- Use Git form Windows Command Line"
- Use Windws efault windows console

After installation you could verify the git version on CMD prompt:
git --version

3. Install ruby(

During installation select "Add ruby executable to your path"

4) Yoman Angular generator

Run this:

npm install --global yo bower grunt-cli

To run AngularDemo-Master OR  the RPortal Application
(By now you should have cloned your project files from GIT into a local folder.)

1. Open a cmd prompt as admin and run the following commands in the root folder of your project (the root folder is the parent of the/app folder)

gem install ruby
gem install compass

2. Open cmd prompt as admin and run the following commands. Some of these take a long time - let them run until they return to the CMD prompt.

a. npm install
b. npm install bower
c. npm install --save-dev grunt-wiredep
d. bower install jQuery –save
(If it asks for version of angular then choose the highest version 1.4.7 for my case)
e. grunt wiredep
f. grunt serve

3. In the future in CMD prompt just type the below command from the root of your project (the root folder is the parent of the /app folder)  to bring up the localhost app:
grunt serve

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